The Changelog provides an overview over all previous releases.
- Version v1.1
- Fixed application freeze on Java 6 and Java 7
- Version v1
- Added statistical text analysis functionality with WVTool
- Cleaned Menu Bar
- Refactored Email Caching
- Created Source Release
- Finished Program Manual
- Many Bugfixes
- Version 0.7
- Fixed vertex- and edge-selection from tables.
- Added ranking labels in graph view.
- Added keyboard shortcuts in windows menu.
- Added unfiltered statistics.
- Improved thread detection.
- Added warning dialog for too many edges.
- Added zoom panel in network tab.
- Renamed general tab to network tab.
- Unconnected vertices are now colored differently.
- Fixed bug: layout scaling on clustering enable/disable.
- Integrated Labelling UI.
- Request otherRecipients from DB is now working.
- Version 0.6
- Introduced email thread detection.
- Implemented user interface for email labelling (text mining).
- EmailViewer now capable of searching all recipients of an email.
- Minor changes to the EmailCache and the database reader.
- Add the info glass pane to provide an overview over most important parameters.
- Fixed initial filtering bug
- Modified ranking architecture.
- Version 0.5
- Introduced properties file for configuration settings
- Fixed grouping of clusters
- Hide unconnected vertices
- Email message viewer
- Added vertex set viewer, edge set viewer and cluster set viewer
- Added ranking mechanism and first email rankers
- Added the new Deep Email Miner application icon
- Version 0.4
- Filtering mechanism is now working
- Node / Edge context menues for email set viewer
- Email caching
- Debugged Database reader
- Improved Clustering
- Version 0.3
- Several user interface changes
- The clustering handler can now be enabled/disabled
- Added data to sample network
- Interface for email caching