############ General settings ######################################### # The graph loaded upon program start (sample/empty) startGraph=sample # The minimum number of emails to form a thread (default 2) minimumEmailsInThread=2 # The maximum number of days between two successive messages in # one thread (default 30) maxDaysBetweenThreadMessages=30 # The (approx.) size of the email cache for reducing database-queries # (default 5000) emailCacheSize=5000 ############ Filter settings ######################################### # The initial email filter: show edges with more than x emails # (default 50) initialEmailFilter=50 # The start year displayed in the email filter (default 1996) filterStartYear=1998 # The end year displayed in the email filter (default current Year) # filterEndYear= # If graph gets bigger than x edges, show warning (default unlimited) edgeNumberWarning=200 ############ Labelling settings ####################################### # Maximum percentage of labelled internal emails (default 10) emailLabelPercentage=10 # Save email labels each x processed messages (default 50) autoSaveInterval=50 ############ Database settings ######################################## # The database settings (defaults are the driver settings) db.defaultServerName=localhost #db.defaultServerPort= db.defaultDatabaseName=corpus ############ Textmining settings ###################################### # The minimum number of occurences a word must have to be included in # the textmining word list (default 5) wordListMinimumOccurence=5 # The maximum number of occurences a word can have to be included in # the textmining word list (default unlimited) wordListMaximumOccurence=0 ############ DEBUG settings ########################################### # Limit the number of processed employees during database-loading # (default unlimited) #debug.employeeNumber=50